Within the Beautiful Sound2 2023 event, a session was held on the themes of the important European Life SNEAK project, coordinated by the Municipality of Florence, which deals with the problems of acoustics and vibrations linked to urban mobility where multiple sources overlap and are necessary particular solutions for impact mitigation.
The session, moderated by Raffaella Bellomini for Vie enro.se. Engineering, saw four speeches: an introduction and review of the objectives, expected results and impacts by Arnaldo Melloni of the municipality of Florence (coordinator), a speech on tram noise reduction measures by Francesco Borchi of the University of Florence, a discussion on the design of low-noise asphalt by Filippo Praticò of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria and a review of the methods of communication and dissemination of project activities, with examples of output produced up to this moment, by Elisa Meko of ASSTRA.